Like most other unique items, it is possible to craft a unique strongbox using an Orb of Chance Orb of Chance Stack Size: 20 Upgrades a normal item to a random rarity Right click this item then left click a normal item to apply it.

Revives nearby dead Monsters with OnslaughtĬasts a random Hex Curse Spell when activated Items will not drop until all Bloodline Daemons are killed. List of prefix modifiers that can appear on Strongboxes. It is worth noting that some prefixes add a warning sound to a strongbox as well. Monsters have 70% increased Area of Effect). of Giants of Giantsġ5% increased Quantity of Items found in this AreaĨ% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area Certain prefixes can benefit from area modifiers (e.g. Prefixes can make the ambush encounter more dangerous by releasing additional monsters or springing traps. Corrupted items cannot be modified again. Corrupting a strongbox with a Vaal Orb Vaal Orb Stack Size: 10 Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictably Right click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. It is also possible to craft strongboxes using currency items. It must be identified with a Scroll of Wisdom Scroll of Wisdom Stack Size: 40 Identifies an item Right click this item then left click an unidentified item to apply it. A non-normal strongbox inherently has increased item quantity and rarity regardless of other modifiers. Like items and monsters, strongboxes come in different rarities with various modifiers. The only exception is the Cartographer's Strongbox, where the number of players does not increase the amount of map drops. However, map quantity and the number of players do increase the number of items dropped from most strongboxes. Like chests, increased Item Quantity from gear does not increase the number of items dropped from a strongbox. You would sooner pry it from my lifeless hand."Īssorted corrupted items, Vaal Orbs Vaal Orb Stack Size: 10 Corrupts an item, modifying it unpredictably Right click this item then left click an item to corrupt it. Gems, The Gemcutter The Gemcutter 3 Gemcutter's Prism In the hands of a master craftsman, a worthless pebble can adorn the crown of a king.Īmulets, rings, belts, jewels, Hubris Hubris 5 Ring "This one? It is NOT for sale. Maps, The Cartographer The Cartographer 1 10x Cartographer's Chisel It's always easier to find your way if you draw a map of the progress you've made. Watchstone Count: 4 A ruler is only as powerful as he is wealthy. , The Mayor The Mayor 5 The Perandus Manor This experiment was done in 2016, which may not reflect the current spawn rate of the game.Īrmour, The Body The Body 4 Body Armour They say it is the head that leads, but all must flow through the body at some point. Note that test was made in Tier-13 and higher maps, where Cartographer's strongboxes cannot spawn at that time. Seal Cost:Ģx Silver Coin prophecy, users expect the following kind of distribution. Right-click to add this prophecy to your character. You will travel to a map where the monsters lie in wait, open the boxes they guard, and slay them all. With 2218 strongboxes pool, done via Monstrous Treasure Monstrous Treasure In a long lost dream, great foes hide in tiny boxes, but so do great rewards. Modifiers can further alter the loot contents, such as granting additional rare items or gems. Stormblast Mine Leveling Links 3.Strongboxes come in different base types which determine the kinds of items that can normally be obtained from them.PoE Strongbox Guide, Quality, Prophecy, Scarab, Sextant, Currency, Farming.